Hello there, leading a lifestyle that spells good health is a combination of different factors that includes exercise and eating right.
In earlier age for me, good health meant either being able to perform a certain exercise like bench press, swimming, running, etc. If you really want to assess your health, then you need to look at your overall health, which would mean mental, emotional and physical health include. Here are some best fitness tips for good health. So, it’s better to start as early as you can and work on your health.
Here are some of the best key Topics for fitness tips for good health:
· Top 10 fitness tips for good health
· How to get fit and healthy at any age
· Fitness tips for beginners who want to lose weight
· Easy fitness tips for busy people
· Fitness tips for people with chronic health conditions
· Fitness tips for improving mental health
· Fitness tips for getting a good night's sleep
· Fitness tips for managing stress
· Fitness tips for healthy living
· Health and fitness tips
· Best fitness tips for overall health
· Fitness tips for weight loss
· Fitness tips for muscle gain
· Fitness tips for beginners
· Fitness tips for busy people
· Fitness tips for seniors
· Fitness tips for women
· Fitness tips for men
· Fitness tips for kids
· Fitness tips for mental health
· Fitness tips for sleep
· Fitness tips for stress relief
· Cardio fitness tips
· Strength training tips
· Flexibility training tips
· Nutrition tips for fitness
· Sleep tips for fitness
· Stress management tips for fitness
· Fitness tips for beginners
· Best fitness tips for weight loss
· Fitness tips for seniors
· Fitness tips for women
· Fitness tips for men
· Fitness tips for athletes
· Fitness tips for everyday life
· Healthy fitness tips
· Effective fitness tips
· Easy fitness tips
· Fun fitness tips
· Cardio fitness tips
· Strength training tips
· Flexibility training tips
· Nutrition tips for fitness
· Sleep tips for fitness
· Stress management tips for fitness
· Fitness tips for busy people
· Fitness tips for people with chronic conditions
· Fitness tips for people on a budget
· Fitness tips for people who hate exercise
Fitness Tips for Good Health
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Best Fitness Tips for Good Health |
Try to get 6-9 Hours of Sleep every Night
Human bodies recover and regenerate when we sleep at night. And if you fail to get adequate sleep, then you are inviting multiple problems yourself. Lack of sleep has been shown to cause moodiness, increased cravings for sugary foods, poor hormonal profile, reduced muscle mass, etc.
Remain active Daily for Physical Health
Remaining active does not necessarily mean doing a 25 km running daily and nor does it necessarily mean squatting double your body-weight daily. Even lighter activities like walking, swimming, yoga, playing with kids, cleaning up the house, riding a bicycle, etc. are all examples of being active too. For most people, intense activities like weight training, sprinting, etc. should ideally be kept to about 3-5 times a week, and on the other days, lighter activity is recommended for better health.
Strength Training and lifting Heavy Weight
Approximately every month there seems to some study that comes out with the finding that strength training, including lifting heavy weights has multiple health benefits. Starting from weight management, increased energy levels, better glucose metabolism, etc. there are many reasons why you must strength yourself by training. You can get strength training by using your own body-weight and lifting barbells, dumbbell, kettle bell, etc. at your doorstep.
We should be active Daily for Mental Health
Protracted periods of inactivity are often the cause of anger, frustration, lethargy and depression too. On the other hand, those who are active regularly experience a better mood, feel more energetic and overall enjoy a better life long.
Go for Cardio
As per new technology, now cardio does not necessarily mean doing painfully long and slow activities like distance jogging. It can also be done in a short time with intense activities like sprinting, circuit training, kickboxing, etc. In fact, the intense options seem to provide better results overall, in terms of cardio fitness, improving body composition, increasing growth hormone production, etc. is useful.
One should maintain Healthy Body-weight and Body Fat Levels
Our extra fat increases our chances of getting a heart attack, diabetes, hypertension, etc. Also, I would like to mention that extra body weight; even in the form of muscle is not necessarily healthy in the long run. Whether muscle or fat, the extra weight has to be carried around by your joints and at a later age, that can really start telling on your joint health that goes worst.
Must check our BMI
Now a good way to calculate our ideal body-weight is to use the BMI calculator. Now I know that a lot of people feel that the BMI is not an accurate way to measure ideal body-weight, but in my opinion, unless someone has unnaturally huge muscles thanks to steroids, the BMI is a reasonably accurate calculator of one's ideal body-weight. Again, it is not necessarily perfect, but is pretty close for most people.
Maintain ideal Flexibility and Mobility Levels
Most people in their 20's have already lost a lot of flexibility that they had when they were 5 years old. So you can only imagine how much tighter they will get when they are in their 40's and 50's. The good news is that it doesn’t have to be this way. You can improve your joint mobility and flexibility levels as long as you work on it. You should be able to touch your toes.
Use Flexible and Mobility Workouts
We should start our workouts with 10-20 minutes of joint mobility work and finish our workouts with 5-10 minutes of stretching and focus more on your tight areas around body. You can also do mobility and flexibility work on your off days to get in extra activity and improve faster to recover back for fit.
We should eat a Balanced Diet
The human body relies on a variety of nutrients to function properly and no matter how much someone might try to convince you that a particular food group needs to be avoided altogether, you will find that eating it, even if in small amounts, is better good health. For example, without adequate carbs you will struggle to do intense workouts and perform well. Similarly a diet very high in protein can cause a lot of stress on your kidneys. Experts also suggest that you get your nutrients from a variety of sources around. For example, don’t just rely on chicken for your protein; eat fish, eggs, red meat, etc. Each source offers a different mineral and vitamin profile for you to take advantage of. And yes, don’t forget to intake enough water for optimal health daily.
Avoid Junk Food
We are facing junk food habits, we live in a society where we are surrounded by junk food and trying to resist it all the time, including when we go out with friends and family is likely to drive you nuts. So once in a while your little indulgence will not kill you. In fact, many experts claim that if 80% of your calories are clean, then you can have some fun with the remaining 20%.
Control Alcohol
Here it is same story for alcohol; studies have shown that a glass of wine a day can improve your health. Of course, you can get the same benefits without ever consuming alcohol too. But if you do like to have an occasional drink and then go on, have it. I personally would suggest that limit alcohol to no more than three times a week and that too in a very small amount.
Minimize Excess Stress and Emotional Negativity
Excessive stress and negative emotions can really hurt your health, even if you exercise every day and eat well all the time. Yes, some amount of stress is required in our lives to function well, and as long as we have emotions, we will also experience frustration, anger, depression, etc. in our lives. However, when these negative emotions and stress dominate one's life, then life becomes a downhill journey fast.
Start Laugh and Smile more often
We know these sounds a little too simple and childish, but somehow a lot of us as adults, often forget to have a good laugh and smile. We become so obsessed with negative emotions that we think that enjoying ourselves and having a good time is almost like a crime. Relax, and try to enjoy life in the company of your friends and family regularly. A good laugh can go a long way to relieve stress, improve mood, and make you healthier.
Hi friends, we are providing best health tips on Health Education, Health Definition and Healthy Diet here. So be remaining on this article for better health fitness topics.
So have a good Health…
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