How to Get Rid of Hiccups| Natural Remedies that can actually Help Hiccups| Can a Hiccup Kill you?


How Do I Get Rid of the Hiccups? How to get rid of Hiccups in Babies? Hiccup Relie


How to Get Rid of Hiccups

How to Get Rid of Hiccups: Some Natural Treatments| How to get rid of hiccups?

Friends, a vocal hiccup is a singing technique used by Buddy Holly and Michael Jackson, which sounds a little like gulping for air or gasping. So the answer to this question could be just stopping listening to Thriller. If you are referring to those involuntary contractions of your diaphragm, the muscular structure below your lungs that help you breathe, then the answer is a bit more complicated. 

About “Hiccups”| Hiccups Meaning| Hiccups Reason| Hiccups Cause| Hiccups Causes| Hiccup Remedy| Hiccups Treatment| Hiccups Stop

There aren’t scientific proven ways to stop hiccups because such studies are a bit hard to do. Typically, you can never expect hiccups to occur. You don’t say, “next Thursday at 3 pm Eastern Time, I will begin hiccuping uncontrollably.” Therefore, it is a bit difficult to run scientific experiments, unless you constantly live in a laboratory. Nonetheless, anecdotal evidence suggests the following possible remedies -

1.       Altering your breathing cycle, which may calm your diaphragm down?  Possibilities include breathing into a paper bag, pulling your knees to your chest and leaning forward, drinking water from the opposite side of a glass while bending over, or holding your breath. If you do hold your breath, make sure that you don’t do this indefinitely.

2.       Gargling with ice water or sipping cold water:    If you do gargle, make sure that you don’t have so much ice in your mouth that you start spreading it around the room like a geyser. 

3.       Pulling on your tongue:    But don’t pull so hard that your tongue comes out, which will lead to bigger problems.

4.       Rubbing the back of your neck:    It’s unclear whether adding the words, “there, there,” makes a difference.

5.       Getting scared:     A sudden scare may help, such as someone suddenly jumping in front of you or being told that there is a sequel to the 2016 movie Dirty Grandpa.

6.       Laughing spontaneously:    They say laughter is the best medicine. Maybe someone else hiccupping can get you laughing.  


What causes hiccups?

Friends, looks like lots of people are getting hiccups or at least laughing at people who are getting the hiccups. This is the second appearance on this 2019 list of the “diaphragm-spasming-causing-your-vocal-cords-to-snap-shut” phenomenon. It’s not completely clear what may cause temporary hiccups. It may be having too much stuff in your stomach such as food, air, or bacon. It may be sudden changes in temperature. It may be stress or excitement such as seeing Justin Bieber. In most cases, you just don’t know what started them. Chronic or frequently repeated episodes of hiccups are a different story, this can be a sign that something like a mass or inflammation is irritating your diaphragm or the nerves that control and extend to your diaphragm. Certain medication or serious medical conditions such as diabetes, kidney failure, and encephalitis can lead to hiccups as well. Therefore, if hiccups continue to be an issue, call you doctor.  


How to get rid of hiccups?

Guys, a question about what causes hiccups topped Google's list of trending health-related questions in 2017……. and now, in 2020, how to get rid of hiccups ranked third in USA.

How to get rid of hiccups?

Hiccups Treatment| First Aid Information for Hiccups| How long should Hiccups last?

Friends, Scientists may have just worked out why we hiccup. Hiccups seem to start and stop for no obvious reason, but the US National Library of Medicine notes that hiccups often happen when something irritates your diaphragm, such as eating too quickly, drinking alcohol, feeling nervous or excited or taking certain medicines. Most cases of hiccups usually go away on their own after a few minutes. 


How to Get Rid of Hiccups Fast: New Surprisingly Effective Ways

But for chronic hiccups that last more than a few days or keep coming back,  a person should contact his/her health care provider to discuss any underlying causes and treatment options for hiccups.

What not to do in Hiccups?

Guys, having the hiccups are a mysterious occurrence. Unlike other common reflexes, like sneezing and coughing, there’s no known physiologic advantage for the hiccups. Yet, we’ve all experienced them numerous times in our lives. Everyone has her/his own suggestion for how to get rid of hiccups, but what really works? Not yet clear!!!

Hiccups during Pregnancy| Hiccups in Pregnancy| Hiccups Pregnancy

Friends, sometimes hiccups occur because the nerves that run from your brain, through your lungs and stomach are irritated and cause a sudden spasm. Hiccups can also be due to acid reflux or GERD, also known as gastroesophageal reflux disease. And certain medications can cause hiccups. For the most part, they go away on their own after a short period of time. However, persistent hiccups can last for months or even years.

So, whether you are trying to get rid of acute hiccups because they are bothersome or you are suffering from long-term hiccups, there are natural remedies that can help. Read on and I’ll show you how to get rid of hiccups for good. Here we are sharing some vital view about Hiccups.


What are Hiccups?

Friends, Hiccups are reflexes that cause a sudden contraction of your diaphragm, the primary muscle used in the process of inhalation. The diaphragm is the muscle under your lungs. After it involuntarily contracts, air abruptly rushes into the lungs and is stopped suddenly by the closure of the vocal cords or glottis. This is what causes the “hic” sound.

According to research published in the Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine, a hiccup, referred to in medicine as singultus, is a programmed muscle exercise. We know this because fetuses and premature infants hiccup often. After infancy, hiccupping appears to be useless, but it may occur because of an irritation along the reflex arc.

A hiccup occurs when the vagus nerve and the phrenic nerve send strong signals from the brainstem to the respiratory muscles. The external intercostal muscles (which run between the ribs and help with breathing) and the diaphragm contract and cause a forceful inhalation.


Hiccup Common Signs and Symptoms

Guys, when you hiccup, you may feel a slight tightening sensation in your throat, chest or abdomen. The major sign of a hiccup is the “hic” sound that occurs when your windpipe closes immediately after your diaphragm contracts. Everyone’s hiccup rate is different, but it’s usually consistent for each hiccup episode, occurring at a frequency of 4 to 60 hiccups per minute.

How to Get Rid of Hiccups (Works Every Time!)| Here's How to Get Rid of Hiccups

These Hiccups are said to be persistent when they last longer than 48 hours. When hiccups are persistent, they can affect food and drink intake, conversation and concentration. This can lead to complications like exhaustion, frustration, insomnia and even potentially fatal consequences like aspiration pneumonia. 

Hiccups Symptoms

Hiccup Causes and Risk Factors 

Friends, for most people, hiccups last for a short period and then stop. They can happen at any time and sometimes they start for no apparent reason at all. Hiccups can also be due to following causes -

1.       A swollen stomach caused by eating too quickly or overeating
2.       Swallowing air.
3.       Drinking carbonated beverages.
4.       Sudden excitement.
5.       Sudden emotional stress.
6.       Consumption of alcohol.
7.       Excess smoking.
8.       A sudden change in stomach temperature.

Friends, short term, acute hiccups are most prevalent in newborns, who spend as much as 2.5 percent of their time hiccupping. After infancy, the frequency of hiccups diminishes and only happens occasionally for brief periods throughout life.  

Persistent hiccups that last longer than 48 hours may be due to a variety of factors. These can include the following health issues or triggers -

1.       Gastrointestinal issues.
2.       Central nervous system disorders.
3.       Metabolic disorders.
4.       Psychogenic disorders.
5.       Certain medications.

Friends, the two nerves that are involved in the involuntary contraction of the diaphragm are the vagus and phrenic nerves. The vagus nerve is the longest cranial nerve that contains motor and sensory fibers. It exits from the brain and passes through the neck and thorax to the abdomen. The phrenic nerve originates in the neck and passes down between the lung and heart to reach the diaphragm. The phrenic nerve stimulates the diaphragm, so paralysis to this nerve can lead to persistent hiccups. For some people, persistent hiccups are due to GI issues, like acid reflux, bloating and heartburn, which can irritate the diaphragm.

Guys, long term hiccups may occur because of lesions between the pathways from the central nervous system to the phrenic nerve. This occurs mainly in diseases of the brain stem such as stroke, tumors, meningitis, encephalitis, multiple sclerosis and traumatic brain injury.

Metabolic problems may also lead to persistent hiccups. Hiccups can be a sign of worsening kidney or liver function, for instance. Research shows that long term hiccups are more common in children, adult men and those with comorbid conditions.  


Here is Conventional Treatment for Hiccups

Friends, most of the time, hiccups go away on their own after a relatively short period of time and medical treatment isn’t necessary. People who have hiccups for longer than two days may need to address the underlying medical issue that is causing the hiccups. Some conventional medications that are used to treat long-term hiccups include -

Haloperidol or Chlorpromazine is used to relieve prolonged hiccups, control nausea and vomiting, and treat behavioral problems or anxiety disorders. This is typically the first medication prescribed to people suffering from long-term hiccups. Some side effects from this drug include drowsiness, dizziness, nausea, constipation and trouble sleeping. 

Gabapentin is usually used to prevent and control seizures. It is an anticonvulsant drug, which is why it can be used for the treatment of long-term hiccups. It may cause tremors, dizziness and loss of coordination.

Metoclopramide increases muscle contractions in the upper digestive tract and it’s used to treat heartburn caused by GERD, one of the most common causes of hiccups. High doses or long term use of this drug can be toxic, leading to serious movement disorders. If you are taking this drug, make sure to speak to your doctor about the many medicines that interact with it. This includes vitamins and herbal products.

Baclofen is used to treat muscle spasms that are caused by conditions like multiple sclerosis and a spinal cord injury. Side effects from this drug include headache, weakness, nausea and trouble sleeping.

Proton pump inhibitors are used to treat gastroesophageal reflux, which promotes hiccups. Taking PPIs may lead to increased gas, abdominal pain, digestive issues and headache. 
Natural ways to get rid of Hiccups


How to Get Rid of Hiccups: Some Natural Treatments

Friends, you’ve probably heard of numerous home remedies on how to get rid of hiccups. But, what exactly are you trying to accomplish with these methods? Most of these treatments are meant to reset the vagus nerve or allow your body to relax. One particular action may not stop your hiccups every time, so you may have to try a few of these home remedies until you find what works.


How Do I Get Rid of the Hiccups? How to get rid of Hiccups in Babies? Hiccup Relief

Friends, most hiccups will go away on their own. But in some cases they can last for a while. And if you test one of those old wives’ tales about stopping hiccups – say, getting someone to scare you – you’re probably going to be disappointed.

There are a few home remedies you can try, although there’s not very much proof that any of them really work.

A- Hiccups natural remedy

1.       Hold your breath and swallow three times.
2.       Breathe into a paper bag.
3.       Drink a glass of water quickly.
4.       Swallow a teaspoon of sugar.
5.       Pull on your tongue.
6.       Gargle with water.
7.       Use smelling salts.

Guys, if your hiccups last more than 2 days or are severe enough to interfere with eating, breathing, or sleeping, contact your doctor. She might be able to treat chronic hiccups with medication or run some tests to see why your hiccups aren't going away. Friends, talk to your doctor immediately if, along with hiccups, you have any kind of stomach pain, fever, shortness of breath, or vomiting, or if you cough up blood.


Hiccups Natural Remedy| How do you stop hiccups Naturally?

B- Things to eat or drink to Hiccups stop -

1.     Drink ice water.  
2.     Drink from the opposite side of the glass.  
3.     Slowly drink a glass of warm water without stopping to breathe.
4.     Drink water through a cloth or paper towel.  
5.     Suck on an ice cube.  
6.     Gargle ice water.  
7.     Eat a spoonful of honey or peanut butter.  
8.     Eat some sugar.


Why won't my hiccups go away?

Friends, from time to time, she'll see cases of nonstop hiccups that may be triggered by acid reflux. Ongoing hiccups can also be due to a tumor in the head, neck, or lungs, or infections in the brain or ear, because nerves that go to the diaphragm may begin in the brain or neck.


Can a hiccup kill you? Hiccups during Eating

Can hiccups kill you?

Friends, but hiccups can indicate a serious problem and a prolonged, uncontrollable bout may lead to debilitating consequences like fatigue, weight loss, depression, problems with heart rhythm, esophageal reflux and possibly exhaustion and death in a weakened patient.


How long should hiccups last?

Friends, for most people, hiccups usually last a few minutes and are not a medical concern. However, if your hiccups last longer than two days, they're considered chronic. They're also referred to as persistent if they last over two days, but end within one month.


How do you stop hiccups immediately?

How Do I Get Rid of the Hiccups?


Refer topic A and B.


Why do hiccups come?

Friends, Hiccups often come after eating or drinking too much or too quickly. The stomach, which is directly below the diaphragm, becomes distended. This irritates the diaphragm and causes it to contract, as it does when we breathe in.


How can I stop, get rid of and cure hiccups?


Refer topic A and B.


Does your heart stop beating when you hiccup?

Friends, according to the UAMS' Department of Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery, your heart doesn't exactly stop. The heart compensates for this by changing its regular heart beat momentarily to adjust. However, the electrical activity of the heart does not stop during the sneeze.


Is a hiccup good or bad?

Guys, Hiccups, or hiccoughs, are involuntary sounds made by spasms of the diaphragm. Hiccups are usually harmless and resolve by themselves after a few minutes. In some cases, prolonged hiccups that last for days or weeks may be symptomatic of underlying disorders.


Do hiccups make you grow?

Friends, centuries ago, people claimed hiccups meant a growth spurt for children. Today, we understand the mechanics of a hiccup. When the diaphragm - a muscle situated between the lungs and the stomach - becomes irritated, it begins to spasm. The good news is that hiccups are usually short lived.


How do you fall asleep with hiccups?

Pressure points for hiccup


1.     Pull on the tongue – hold the end of the tongue in the fingers and tug. This stimulates the vagus nerve and eases diaphragm spasms, which may sometimes stop hiccups. This often does not work.
2.     Press on the diaphragm gently.
3.     Place gentle pressure on each side of the nose while swallowing.


Are hiccups a sign of pregnancy?

Friends, you may start to notice fetal hiccups in your second or third trimester. Many moms start to feel these “jerky motions” in their sixth month of pregnancy. It's important to note that fetal hiccups are in general, considered a good sign. After week 32, though it's less common to experience fetal hiccups every day.


Hiccups Symptoms| what is constant hiccups a sign of?

Friends, some illnesses for which continuing hiccups may be a symptom include - pleurisy of the diaphragm, pneumonia, uremia, alcoholism, disorders of the stomach or esophagus, and bowel diseases. Hiccups may also be associated with pancreatitis, pregnancy, bladder irritation, liver cancer or hepatitis.


What happens when you hiccup? How Hiccups are Caused?

Friends, it happens when a sudden contraction of your diaphragm causes the muscles of your chest and abdomen to shake. Then, the glottis, or the part of your throat where your vocal cords are located, closes. This creates the noise of air expelled from your lungs, or the “hic” sound that feels involuntary with hiccups.


Can you get hiccups from acid reflux?

Friends, problems with the liver, including swelling, infection or masses can cause irritation of the diaphragm, which can cause hiccups. Some medications that can cause acid reflux may also have hiccups as a side effect. In some instances, babies with gastroesophageal reflux (GERD) could be more prone to hiccups.


How do you stop the hiccups from acid reflux?

Getting rid of hiccups 


1.     Practice measured breathing. Disrupt your respiratory system with slow, measured breathing.  
2.     Hold your breath.  
3.     Breathe into a paper bag.  
4.     Hug your knees.  
5.     Compress your chest.  
6.     Use the Valsalva maneuver.  
7.     Pull on your tongue.  
8.     Press on your diaphragm.

Can acid reflux make you vomit?


Can acid reflux make you vomit?

Guys, people who have acid reflux often experience a sour taste in their mouth from stomach acids. The taste, along with the frequent burping and coughing associated with reflux and GERD can create nausea and even vomiting in some cases.


How do you get rid of hiccups without water?

Things to eat or drink for hiccup remedy- Answer

Refer topic A and B.


What is hiccupping a sign of?

Friends, some illnesses for which continuing hiccups may be a symptom include: pleurisy of the diaphragm, pneumonia, uremia, alcoholism, disorders of the stomach or esophagus, and bowel diseases. Hiccups may also be associated with pancreatitis, pregnancy, bladder irritation, liver cancer or hepatitis.


How can I get rid of hiccups fast?

How Do I Get Rid of the Hiccups?


Refer topic A and B.


How do hiccups affect the heart?

Friends, "this may also point to a tumor in the neck or goiter,"Pfanner said. Pesky hiccups that refuse to subside may even be symptoms of heart muscle damage or a heart attack. "Persistent or intractable hiccups can indicate inflammation around the heart or a pending heart attack" Pfanner said.


Why won't my Hiccups go away? Why do I squeak when I hiccup?

Friends, your diaphragm, the band of muscle below your lungs, suddenly contracts. At the same time, your voice box or larynx, squeezes. Then your epiglottis, a flap at the top of your windpipe, snaps shut, producing that infamous hiccup squeak.


What do hiccups feel like?

Guys, as well as kicks, rolls and jabs, a woman may also notice fetal hiccups. Identifying fetal hiccups can be difficult. A pregnant woman may notice, however, that the sensation of hiccups is more rhythmic than other movements. Some people have described it as a twitch or pulsating feeling that is akin to a muscle spasm.


Hiccups Non Stop| Why do I have non stop hiccups?

Friends, the majority of persistent hiccups are caused by injury or irritation to either the vagus or phrenic nerve. The vagus and phrenic nerves control the movement of your diaphragm. These nerves may be affected by: irritation of your eardrum, which may be caused by a foreign object. 


Can hiccups be a sign of cancer?

Guys, treatment of Hiccups in Patients with Cancer:      Hiccups are a surprisingly common symptom seen in patients with cancer, either during cancer treatment or in the palliative care setting. Persistent/intractable hiccups have been reported in up to 10 percent of patients with advanced cancer.


Is it normal to get hiccups multiple times a day?

Friends, for most people, hiccups usually last a few minutes and are not a medical concern. However, if your hiccups last longer than two days, they're considered chronic. If you have multiple recurring episodes of hiccups over prolonged periods of time, this is also considered chronic hiccups.


What is a hiccup girl?

Guys, Jennifer Mee (born July 28, 1991) is an American woman known as the "Hiccup Girl" for her long-lasting case of the hiccups. Mee was arrested for first degree murder in 2010. After a trial she was convicted and sentenced to life in prison without parole in 2013.


How do you stop hiccups suddenly?

Things to eat or drink - Answer

Refer topic A and B. 


Can you feel baby hiccups at 20 weeks? Hiccups good for Baby| Hiccups in Toddlers

Friends, it is said earlier that the most women will begin to feel their baby move anywhere between weeks 16 and 20 or possibly 25 of pregnancy. Most women become aware of fetal hiccups in the second or third trimester, though some babies do not get hiccups in the womb and some women never feel them. 


Can you die from hiccups while sleeping?

Guys, but hiccups can indicate a serious problem and a prolonged, uncontrollable bout may lead to debilitating consequences like fatigue, weight loss, depression, problems with heart rhythm, esophageal reflux and possibly exhaustion and death in a weakened patient.


How did hiccup girl lose her hiccups?

Hiccups stopped, though and Mee felt it was safe to go back to school. During her first bout of hiccups, Mee saw an infectious disease specialist, a neurologist, a chiropractor, a hypnotist and an acupuncturist. She tried a patented device that is designed to stop hiccups, plus all the old remedies.


How long did hiccup girl have hiccups?

Jennifer Mee's hiccups were cured after five weeks, Phelps reports, by a hypnotist who worked with her for three hours and would later say that when she cured Mee, Robidoux's reaction was strangely muted - almost disappointed.


How do I stop hiccups at night?

Hiccups Treatment -hiccups remedy


1.    Breathe in and hold the breath for about 10 seconds, then breathe out slowly. Repeat three or four times.  
2.    Breathe into a paper bag – it is important to not cover the head with the bag.
3.    Bring the knees to the chest and hug them for 2 minutes.
4.    Gently compress the chest; this can be achieved by leaning forward.


Are hiccups a sign of a heart attack?

Guys, Hiccups are almost never a sign of a heart attack, cancer or any other medical problem. Longer lasting hiccups may start because of laryngitis, acid reflux or a tumor in the neck.


Hiccups World Record| Who has the longest hiccups in the world?

Answer - Charles Osborne

Friends, American Charles Osborne had hiccups for 68 years, from 1922 to February 1990 and was entered in the Guinness World Records as the man with the longest attack of hiccups, an estimated 430 million hiccups.


Can hiccups last forever?

Friends, for most people, hiccups usually last a few minutes and are not a medical concern. However, if your hiccups last longer than two days, they're considered chronic. Chronic hiccups can last for years in some people and are usually a sign of a medical issue. They can also cause health issues themselves.


What cured the hiccup girl?

Guys, a 21 year old woman, Anna Mayer, hiccupped for 42 days in 1941 and then 46 days in 1944, according to Time magazine. On both occasions, an operation by Dr. Lester Samuels on a nerve in her back cured the problem.


Watch: How to Get Rid of Hiccups, According to Science| How Do You Get Rid of Hiccups? Dr. Oz Has 2 Tricks | Rachael Ray Show| Hiccups Video


How to Get Rid of Hiccups?

An Overview

Friends, almost everyone’s had hiccups at one time or another. While hiccups usually go away on their own within a few minutes, they can be annoying and interfere with eating and talking. People have come up with an endless list of tricks to get rid of them, from breathing into a paper bag to eating a spoonful of sugar. But which remedies actually work?

Guys, there aren’t many studies that evaluate the effectiveness of different hiccup remedies. However, many of them are backed by centuries of anecdotal evidence. In addition, some of the most popular remedies actually stimulate your vagus or phrenic nerves, which are connected to your diaphragm.


Here are the most popular and effective ways to get rid of hiccups.

Hiccups Causes

Friends, Hiccups happen when your diaphragm begins to spasm involuntarily. Your diaphragm is a large muscle that helps you breathe in and out. When it spasms, you inhale suddenly and your vocal cords snap shut, which causes a distinctive sound.

As you know up to now, in most cases, they come and go quickly. Lifestyle factors that may cause hiccups include -

1.       Eating too much or too quickly.
2.       Carbonated drinks.
3.       Spicy foods.
4.       Being stressed or emotionally excited.
5.       Drinking alcohol.
6.       Being exposed to quick changes in temperature. 


How to Getting rid of Hiccups?

Friends, these tips are meant for short bouts of hiccups. If you have chronic hiccups that last for more than 48 hours, talk with your doctor. This may be a sign of an underlying condition requiring treatment.


Breathing and posture techniques for Hiccups

Friends, sometimes, a simple change in your breathing or posture can relax your diaphragm.

1- Practice measured breathing:     Disrupt your respiratory system with slow, measured breathing. Breathe in for a count of five and out for a count of five.

2- Hold your breath:    Inhale a large gulp of air and hold it for about 10 to 20 seconds, then breathe out slowly. Repeat as necessary.

3- Breathe into a paper bag:      Place a paper lunch bag over your mouth and nose. Slowly breathe in and out, deflating and inflating the bag. Never use a plastic bag.

4- Hug your knees:      Sit down in a comfortable place. Bring your knees to your chest and hold them there for two minutes.

5-Compress your chest:    Lean or bend forward to compress your chest, which puts pressure on your diaphragm.

6- Use the Valsalva maneuver:    To do this maneuver, try to exhale while pinching your nose and keeping your mouth closed.

7- Pull on your tongue:     Pulling on your tongue stimulates the nerves and muscles in your throat. Grab the tip of your tongue and gently pull it forward once or twice.

8- Press on your diaphragm:     Your diaphragm separates your abdomen from your lungs. Use your hand to apply pressure to the area just below the end of your sternum.

9- Squeeze your nose closed while swallowing water.

10- Squeeze your palm:     Use your thumb to apply pressure to the palm of your other hand.

11- Massage your carotid artery:     You have a carotid artery on both sides of your neck. It’s what you feel when you check your pulse by touching your neck. Lie down, turn your head to the left, and massage the artery on the right side in a circular motion for 5 to 10 seconds.

12- Drink ice water:     Slowly sipping cold water may help stimulate the vagus nerve.

Breathing and posture techniques for Hiccups

13- Drink from the opposite side of the glass:     Tip the glass up under your chin to drink from the far side.

14- Slowly drink a glass of warm water without stopping to breathe.

15- Drink water through a cloth or paper towel:    Cover a glass of cold water with a cloth or paper towel and sip through it.

16- Suck on an ice cube:     Suck on the ice cube for a few minutes, then swallow it once it shrinks to a reasonable size.

17- Gargle ice water:     Gargle ice water for 30 seconds. Repeat as necessary.

18- Eat a spoonful of honey or peanut butter:     Allow it to dissolve in your mouth a bit before swallowing.

19- Eat some sugar:     Put a pinch of granulated sugar on your tongue and let it sit there for 5 to 10 seconds, then swallow.

20- Suck on a lemon:     Some people add a bit of salt to their lemon slice. Rinse out your mouth with water to protect your teeth from the citric acid.

21- Put a drop of vinegar on your tongue.

22- Have an orgasm:    There’s an old case study Trusted Source involving a man whose hiccups lasted for four days. They immediately went away after he had an orgasm.

23- Perform a rectal massage:    Another case study Trusted Source reports that a man with ongoing hiccups found immediate relief after a rectal massage. Using a rubber glove and plenty of lubricant, insert a finger into the rectum and massage.

24- Tap or rub the back of your neck:     Rubbing the skin at the back of your neck may stimulate your phrenic nerve.

25- Poke the back of your throat with a cotton swab:    Gently swab the back of your throat with a cotton swab until you gag or cough. Your gag reflex may stimulate the vagal nerve.

26- Distract yourself with something engaging:     Hiccups often go away on their own when you stop focusing on them. Play a video game, fill out a crossword puzzle, or do some calculations in your head.


What not to do in Hiccups?


Friends, here are some remedies you want to avoid. Especially when young children are concerned -

1.      Don’t give your toddler cayenne water:     Spicy food can get rid of the hiccups, but it can also induce hiccups or make them worse. “Kids usually don’t appreciate hot peppers at all, and it can even make them quite upset,” says Dr. Hobbs.

2.      Don’t scare the wits out of your kid:    A good fright is a popular suggestion for getting rid of the hiccups. However, you don’t want to traumatize your child. If you do go this route, make it more about the element of surprise and less about scaring the daylights out of your child.

3.      Don’t have your child drink while upside down:    Drinking something while hanging upside down is another popular hiccup remedy. However, it could cause choking and is best avoided.


What next if the hiccups don’t go away?


Guys, in general, hiccups only last about an hour or two at most. But there have been cases where the hiccups have gone on for much longer.

Friends, if your hiccups persist for more than 48 hours or if they begin to interfere with eating, sleeping or breathing, see your doctor immediately. They may be able to prescribe something to alleviate the hiccups.

Friends, persistent hiccups in adults can also be a sign of nerve damage or irritation or central nervous system or metabolic disorders, according to the Mayo Clinic, but this is extremely rare in children.


Hiccups with Acid Reflux| What Is Acid Reflux?

Friends, do you ever feel a fiery, tingling sensation at the back of your mouth after eating a heavy meal or spicy foods? What you’re feeling is stomach acid or bile flowing back up into your esophagus. This is often accompanied by heartburn, which is characterized by a burning or tightening sensation in the chest behind the breastbone.

Hiccups with Acid Reflux

We are sharing some vital issue about hiccups here, according to the American College of Gastroenterology, more than 60 million Americans experience acid reflux at least once per month, and more than 15 million Americans may experience it every day. Though it can occur in anyone, including infants and children, acid reflux is most common in pregnant women, people who are obese, and older adults. 

Guys, while it’s normal to experience acid reflux occasionally, those who experience it more than twice per week may have a more serious problem known as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). GERD is a chronic form of acid reflux that can irritate the lining of your esophagus, causing it to become inflamed. This inflammation may lead to esophagitis, which is a condition that may make it difficult or painful to swallow. Constant esophageal irritation may also result in bleeding, narrowing of the esophagus, or a precancerous condition called Barrett’s esophagus.


What are Acid Reflux Symptoms?

The symptoms of acid reflux in teenagers & adults can include -

1.      A burning sensation in the chest that gets worse when bending over or lying down and usually occurs after a meal.
2.       Frequent burping.
3.       Nausea.
4.       Abdominal discomfort.
5.       A bitter taste in the mouth.
6.       A dry cough.

The symptoms of acid reflux in infants and young children can include -

1.       Wet burps.
2.       Hiccups.
3.       Frequent spitting up or vomiting, especially after meals.
4.       Wheezing or choking due to acid backup into windpipe and lungs.
5.       Spitting up after age 1, which is the age at which spitting up should stop.
6.       Irritability or crying after meals.
7.       Refusing to eat or only eating small amounts of food.
8.       Difficulty gaining weight.


Try an Acid Reflux Diet

Guys, persistent hiccups can be a common acid reflux symptom. Aside from hiccups, you may be experiencing heartburn, a bitter taste in your mouth, dry mouth, bad breath, burping and flatulence. Virtually every study done on GERD and acid reflux points to diet as a contributing factor.

Your body is trying to alert you to a problem in your digestive tract. You should also work on slowing down while you eat, chewing your food well and eating smaller meals throughout the day instead of three large meals. 

Acid Reflux Diet

So friends, to get rid of hiccups by reducing your acid reflux, stick to unprocessed, organic foods that are free from GMOs as much as possible. Increase your fiber intake to support healthy bacteria in your gut and eat plenty of probiotic foods. You also want to reduce grains, especially when refined, and sugar consumption, eat high-quality protein (stick to grass-fed beef over conventional beef) and reduce your intake of refined vegetable oils, like canola oil. Some people also find that carbonated drinks, alcohol and spicy foods can lead to hiccups, so do your best to minimize those foods and drinks in your diet.

Friends, eat the following foods to get rid of hiccups that are due to acid reflux -

1.       Leafy greens.
2.       Squash.
3.       Artichoke.
4.       Asparagus.
5.       Cucumbers.
6.       Watermelon.
7.       Honeydew.
8.       Bananas.
9.       Free-range chicken.
10.    Grass-fed beef.
11.    Avocado.
12.    Yogurt.
13.    Kefir.
14.    Bone broth.
15.    Coconut oil.
16.    Olive oil.
17.    Apple cider vinegar.
18.    Aloe vera.
19.    Ginger.
20.    Fennel.
21.    Parsley.



Friends, bear in mind that none of these remedies have been scientifically proven. According to a study published in the Journal of the National Medical Association Trusted Source, none of the techniques used over the five year study were found to be effective in treating the hiccups.



Friends, should the hiccups last longer than 48 hours or lead to difficulties breathing, sleeping or eating, see your doctor right away.

Hiccups are self-limiting and should disappear on their own after a few minutes to a few hours. So, unless they last longer than 48 hours or lead to difficulties breathing, sleeping or eating, it’s best to simply see it for what it is?

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