Clothes Wearing 30 Tips Every Girl Should Know

19- Clever Patchwork

Friends, this makes me want to go and rip a few holes in my daughter’s jeans! How adorable is this? Get creative with your patchwork and turn a rip into something unique and charming. You can use Heat n’ Bond to attach the patch, and then a bit of embroidery floss to not only help keep the patch in place, but make a cool design. See more jeans to modify.

 Cute ways to patch up your clothes! ~ A great list of DIY style, clothing and life hacks every girl should know! Everything from organization to bra straps! Tips for teens and women.

20- Hosiery & Hairspray 

Yes! You probably already know that you can stop a run in a pair of pantyhose with clear nail polish, but why not just prevent the runs in the first place with hairspray? Give them a quick spray with an aerosol can, paying special attention to the areas that are prone to runs around.

21- Chewing Gum Catastrophe 

Since a long time, I’ve had a chewing gum casualty (stuck in my hair once in 3rd grade), but just knowing that it could strike at any time is a good reason to know this tip on how to easily remove it from clothes and other fabric - ICE! The idea is to get the gum as cold as possible. This hardens it and makes it easier to just scrape off. This trick also works for furniture and hair too. Good to know!


22- Tights under Ripped Jeans

How beautiful! Not to mention a great way to stay warm in the winter. You could do this with any pair of tights depending on your style, but I do love the lace. For a more casual look, perhaps just a pair of plain tights would do for all.

Wear pretty tights under ripped jeans! ~ A great list of DIY style, clothing and life hacks every girl should know! Everything from organization to bra straps! Tips for teens and women. 

23- Lint Ball Take Down

Friends, those little balls of loose fabric seem to really collect around the underarms, or where the bottoms of my arms rub against the side of my sweaters. So what I do is leave them on the hanger and never wear them because I’m lazy. Mostly because I didn’t know how easy they were to remove! Just rub your pill infested sweater with a pumice stone and then use a lint roller to pick them up. A disposable razor also works well on tighter knit fabrics too.

24- Moleskin to the Rescue

Hi there, I’m excited to say that I actually have a box of this stuff! I think I purchased a box of Moleskin during my insane running days to cover up a few blisters, but it hasn’t been touched since. It’s basically like a soft fabric with one sticky side– what a great temporary fix for a protruding underwire! It probably won’t last through a wash, but who washes their bras anyway? Wait, am I supposed to do that? See more details here.

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